Colby Stong

Rifampicin flat dosing and weight-banded dosing comparable in patients with TB

The flat-dose vs weight-banded-dose cohorts did not differ with respect to TB-related unfavorable outcomes at 9, 12, and 18 months after treatment initiation.

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Smoking increases mortality and relapse risk in TB

An increased risk for TB recurrence/relapse was associated with ever smoking (RR, 1.78), current smoking (RR, 1.95), and past smoking (RR, 1.84) vs never smoking.

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Rifamycin-based TB prevention regimens have lowest adverse event rates

Mono-H regimens are associated with significantly higher rates of serious adverse events (AEs) compared with rifamycin-based regimens among tuberculosis preventive therapy (TPT) options, according to a study in Clinical Infectious Diseases.

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Chest X-ray suggesting TB may indicate progression risk even with negative TB test

In individuals with baseline chest x-rays suggestive of TB, progression from negative to positive disease occurred at an annualized rate of 10%.

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Weekly rifapentine plus isoniazid for 3 months is safe for latent TB infection

In those talking 3HP for LTBI, female sex, an age from 45 to 54 years, and use of concomitant medications were significantly linked to SDRs and discontinuing treatment.

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Rifampicin dose escalation, higher starting dose helps patients with TB in ICU

Dose escalation, guided by therapeutic drug monitoring, is an effective method to achieve target levels of rifampicin in those critically ill with TB.

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