Marley Ghizzone

Social intervention in Brazil increases rate of TB cure by 7.6%

The Bolsa Familia Programme — a conditional cash transfer program in Brazil — directly affects tuberculosis treatment outcomes, demonstrating a 7.6% higher rate of cure, according to findings published in The Lancet Global Health.

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Diabetes challenges TB control in Europe

More than 10% of patients with tuberculosis enrolled in a study in eight European countries also had diabetes, including more than 28% of TB patients in England, researchers reported.

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Preventive TB therapy during pregnancy causes excessive adverse events

BOSTON — Researchers reported that the immediate initiation of isoniazid preventive therapy for tuberculosis during pregnancy produced an unexpectedly high incidence rate of severe treatment-related adverse events among women with HIV. However, they said the rate was comparable to that among women who initiated therapy postpartum, suggesting that women should be given a choice of when to initiate therapy.

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