University College London

New classification of TB to support efforts to eliminate the disease

A new way to classify tuberculosis (TB) that aims to improve focus on the early stages of the disease has been presented by an international team involving researchers at the University College London (UCL).

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Shorter treatment effective for drug-resistant TB

Two treatment regimens for multidrug-resistant TB, containing the first new drug to have been discovered for the disease in 40 years, are more effective than a previously recommended treatment, according to results from a global trial led by UCL researchers.

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Treatment length reduced for children with TB

A UCL-led international trial exploring the effectiveness of tuberculosis (TB) treatment in children has led to a change in the World Health Organisation’s global guidelines for managing the disease.

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Researchers first to predict when bacteria may become resistant to antibiotics

Scientists have spotted signs of ‘pre-resistance’ in bacteria for the first time – signs that particular bacteria are likely to become resistant to antibiotics in the future – in a new study led by UCL and Great Ormond Street Hospital researchers.

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TB immune response discovery could significantly reduce disease harm

A pioneering study by UCL scientists has discovered the presence of a harmful inflammatory protein in patients with symptomatic tuberculosis (TB).

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Risk predictor could eliminate TB in countries with low transmission

A new online tool which could help eliminate tuberculosis in countries with low transmission rates such as the UK, by identifying who is at highest risk of developing TB, has been developed by UCL researchers.

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Blood test for eight gene signatures could predict onset of TB

Scientists at UCL have shown a blood test could predict the onset of tuberculosis three to six months before people become unwell, a finding which could help better target antibiotics and save countless lives.

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Smartphones help patients complete TB treatment

Patients with tuberculosis (TB) are more likely to continue their drug treatment if they are supported by smartphones rather than attending face-to-face appointments, a new UCL-led study has found.

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Gastric acid suppressant lansoprazole may target TB

A cheap and widely used drug, used to treat conditions such as heartburn, gastritis and ulcers, could work against the bacteria that cause tuberculosis (TB), according to new research from UCL and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

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