Molly Walker

CROI 2022: Fewer pills plus shorter time: New way to control drug-resistant TB?

Three investigational drug regimens to treat drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) were superior to standard of care, with fewer unfavorable outcomes and a shorter treatment time, a researcher said.

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BCG vax: A shot against lung cancer in native populations?

American Indian/Alaskan Native adults who received the bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine against tuberculosis (TB) as children had lower rates of lung cancer, a secondary analysis of a randomized trial found.

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Closer look at household contacts finds more TB cases

Proactive checks of household members improves on standard passive case finding

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Point-of-care assay zeros in on drug-resistant TB mutations

An investigational assay identified a variety of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tuberculosis) mutations to certain drugs used to treat tuberculosis, researchers found.

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