Charu Bahri

Why India must differentiate between normal and high-risk TB patients

During the January-March 2023 quarter, that is, after a year’s implementation of TN-KET project in Tamil Nadu, India nine out of 30 TB districts showed at least 20-30% TB death rate reduction among patients diagnosed when compared to the baseline. An article, published in IndiaSpend, discusses what differentiated TB care means and why it is essential to be implemented as part of the national TB program in India.

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What India must do to end TB conclusively

Clarion calls to end TB by 2025 may add momentum to the fight against the disease but they cannot replace the simultaneous addressal of the remaining gaps in diagnosis, treatment and spread, and boosting the socioeconomic status of India’s poor.

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Millions of TB patients in India have no food, weigh less than 20 kg

Under-nutrition increases the severity of TB, reduces patients' speed of recovery.

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