Katharine Child

Government updates HIV policy to allow ARV treatment for all South Africans

Currently‚ patients have to have a CD4 count of 500 to qualify for antiretrorvirals. But the World Health Organisation recommends that as soon as a person tests HIV positive they should start treatment. This is even if they feel healthy.

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Fact: jails fail in TB duty

The leading cause of death in seven SA prisons in 2010 was tuberculosis, but the programme to control the spread of the disease in prisons is "virtually non-existent", the Constitutional Court heard y

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Book about hope keeps TB sufferer going

Phumeza Tisile's favourite book, Redeeming Love, is about hope because that is what helps her get out of bed each day.

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SA health strategy hailed

South Africa's new national strategic plan for health, which will for the first time include treatment of TB alongside HIV, has been hailed for its forward thinking.

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Life-saving drug on hold

Despite a request by non-government organisations for the drug to be made available for compassionate use, the Medicines Control Council has refused.

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