Stephanie Viguers

Positive LAM results predict mortality in children with HIV

Children with HIV in Kenya whose urine samples tested positive for lipoarabinomannan, or LAM — a biomarker of tuberculosis — had a nearly fivefold increased risk for mortality compared with children with negative LAM results, according to recent data.

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Person-to-person MDR-TB transmission drives epidemic in China

Recent data from a population-based, observational study in China revealed that patients were more likely to develop multidrug-resistant tuberculosis from person-to-person transmission than from inadequate treatment.

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Lung surgery improves treatment success for MDR-TB

Partial lung resection in addition to antibiotic therapy improved treatment outcomes among patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, according to recent data.

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Novel assay detects TB in early stages of disease

SAN DIEGO — An assay using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy detected low concentrations of tuberculosis in early stages of infection, according to data presented at IDWeek 2015.

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