Latest TB research publications


EDITOR'S PICK: Predicting the impact of patient and private provider behavior on diagnostic delay for pulmonary tuberculosis patients in India: A simulation modeling study

Sarang Deo, Simrita Singh, Neha Jha, Nimalan Arinaminpathy, Puneet Dewan

2020-05-29  //  PLOS MEDICINE  //  Research Article

Electronic medication monitor for people with tuberculosis: Implementation experience from thirty counties in China

Ni Wang, Hemant Deepak Shewade, Pruthu Thekkur, Fei Huang, Yanli Yuan, Xiaomeng Wang, Xiaolin Wang, Miaomiao Sun, Hui Zhang

2020-05-29  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Interaction between host genes and Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineage can affect tuberculosis severity: Evidence for coevolution?

Michael L. McHenry, Jacquelaine Bartlett, Robert P. Igo Jr, Eddie M. Wampande, Penelope Benchek, Harriet Mayanja-Kizza, Kyle Fluegge, Noemi B. Hall, Sebastien Gagneux, Sarah A. Tishkoff, Christian Wejse, Giorgio Sirugo, W. Henry Boom, Moses Joloba, Scott M. Williams, Catherine M. Stein

2020-05-29  //  PLOS GENETICS  //  Research Article

Detection of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis by high-throughput sequencing of DNA isolated from acid fast bacilli smears

Mazhgan Rowneki, Naomi Aronson, Peicheng Du, Paige Sachs, Robert Blakemore, Soumitesh Chakravorty, Shawn Levy, Angela L. Jones, Geetika Trivedi, Sheilla Chebore, Dennis Addo, Denis K. Byarugaba, Panganani Dalisani Njobvu, Frederick Wabwire-Mangen, Bernard Erima, Eric S. Ramos, Carlton A Evans, Braden Hale, James D. Mancuso, David Alland

2020-05-29  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Diagnostic accuracy of a novel tuberculosis point-of-care urine lipoarabinomannan assay for people living with HIV: A meta-analysis of individual in- and outpatient data

Tobias Broger, Mark P. Nicol, Rita Székely, Stephanie Bjerrum, Bianca Sossen, Charlotte Schutz, Japheth A. Opintan, Isik S. Johansen, Satoshi Mitarai, Kinuyo Chikamatsu, Andrew D. Kerkhoff, Aurélien Macé, Stefano Ongarello, Graeme Meintjes, Claudia M. Denkinger, Samuel G. Schumacher

2020-05-29  //  PLOS MEDICINE  //  Research Article

High prevalence of phenotypic pyrazinamide resistance and its association with pncA gene mutations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from Uganda

Resty Naluyange, Gerald Mboowa, Kevin Komakech, Derrick Semugenze, David Patrick Kateete, Willy Ssengooba

2020-05-29  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Utility of broad-spectrum antibiotics for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Titus H Divala, Katherine L Fielding, Chikondi Kandulu, Marriott Nliwasa, Derek J Sloan, Ankur Gupta-Wright, Elizabeth L Corbett

2020-05-29  //  THE LANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES  //  Research Article

Adapting a TB contact investigation strategy for COVID-19

T-A. Nguyen, Q. N. Cuong, A. L. T. Kim, T. N. Huong, H. N. Nguyen, G. J. Fox, G. B. Marks

2020-05-29  //  THE UNION  //  Web Article

COVID-19 and tuberculosis—threats and opportunities

A. Zumla, B. J. Marais, T. D. McHugh, M. Maeurer, A. Zumla, N. Kapata, F. Ntoumi, P. Chanda-Kapata, S. Mfinanga, R. Centis, D. M. Cirillo, E. Petersen, D. S Hui, G. Ippolito, C. C. Leung, G. B. Migliori, S. Tiberi

2020-06-05  //  THE UNION  //  Web Article

Source: PLOS TB Channel

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By PLOS TB Channel

Published: June 1, 2020, 3:23 p.m.

Last updated: June 8, 2020, 7:19 p.m.

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