Latest TB research publications


A pre-clinical validation plan to evaluate analytical sensitivities of molecular diagnostics such as BD MAX MDR-TB, Xpert MTB/Rif Ultra and FluoroType MTB

Markus Beutler, Sara Plesnik, Marina Mihalic, Laura Olbrich, Norbert Heinrich, Samuel Schumacher, Michael Lindner, Ina Koch, Wolfgang Grasse, Christoph Metzger-Boddien, Sabine Hofmann-Thiel, Harald Hoffmann

2020-01-28  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Association between tuberculosis and depression on negative outcomes of tuberculosis treatment: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Paulo Ruiz-Grosso, Rodrigo Cachay, Adriana de la Flor, Alvaro Schwalb, Cesar Ugarte-Gil

2020-01-28  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Barriers in the access, diagnosis and treatment completion for tuberculosis patients in central and western Nepal: A qualitative study among patients, community members and health care workers

Sujan Babu Marahatta, Rajesh Kumar Yadav, Deena Giri, Sarina Lama, Komal Raj Rijal, Shiva Raj Mishra, Ashish Shrestha, Pramod Raj Bhattrai, Roshan Kumar Mahato, Bipin Adhikari

2020-01-28  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Diagnostic performance of serum interferon gamma, matrix metalloproteinases, and periostin measurements for pulmonary tuberculosis in Japanese patients with pneumonia

Momoko Yamauchi, Gretchen Parrott, Kazuya Miyagi, Shusaku Haranaga, Yuko Nakayama, Kenji Chibana, Kaori Fujita, Atsushi Nakamoto, Futoshi Higa, Isoko Owan, Koji Yonemoto, Jiro Fujita, Takeshi Kinjo

2020-01-28  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Intracellular and in vivo evaluation of imidazo[2,1-b]thiazole-5-carboxamide anti-tuberculosis compounds

Garrett C. Moraski, Nathalie Deboosère, Kate L. Marshall, Heath A. Weaver, Alexandre Vandeputte, Courtney Hastings, Lisa Woolhiser, Anne J. Lenaerts, Priscille Brodin, Marvin J. Miller

2020-01-28  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Tuberculosis recurrences and predictive factors in a vulnerable population in Catalonia

Sílvia Brugueras, Vinicio-Israel Molina, Xavier Casas, Yoel-Domingo González, Nuria Forcada, Dora Romero, Anna Rodés, Maria-Neus Altet, José Maldonado, Mario Martin-Sánchez, Joan A. Caylà, Àngels Orcau, Cristina Rius, Joan-Pau Millet

2020-01-28  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Host-mediated ubiquitination of a mycobacterial protein suppresses immunity

Lin Wang, Juehui Wu, Jun Li, Hua Yang, Tianqi Tang, Haijiao Liang, Mianyong Zuo, Jie Wang, Haipeng Liu, Feng Liu, Jianxia Chen, Zhonghua Liu, Yang Wang, Cheng Peng, Xiangyang Wu, Ruijuan Zheng, Xiaochen Huang, Yajun Ran, Zihe Rao & Baoxue Ge

2020-01-28  //  NATURE  //  Research Article

Deep learning, computer-aided radiography reading for tuberculosis: a diagnostic accuracy study from a tertiary hospital in India

Madlen Nash, Rajagopal Kadavigere, Jasbon Andrade, Cynthia Amrutha Sukumar, Kiran Chawla, Vishnu Prasad Shenoy, Tripti Pande, Sophie Huddart, Madhukar Pai & Kavitha Saravu

2020-01-28  //  SCIENTIFIC REPORTS  //  Research Article

Tuberculosis case fatality in India: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Sophie Huddart, Anita Svadzian, Vaidehi Nafade, Srinath Satyanarayana, Madhukar Pai

2020-01-28  //  BMJ GLOBAL HEALTH  //  Research Article

Origin of tuberculosis in the Paleolithic predicts unprecedented population growth and female resistance

Pere-Joan Cardona, Martí Català & Clara Prats

2020-01-28  //  SCIENTIFIC REPORTS  //  Research Article

A retrospective genomic analysis of drug-resistant strains of M . tuberculosis in a high-burden setting, with an emphasis on comparative diagnostics and reactivation and reinfection status

Kurt Wollenberg, Michael Harris, Andrei Gabrielian, Nelly Ciobanu, Dumitru Chesov, Alyssa Long, Jessica Taaffe, Darrell Hurt, Alex Rosenthal, Michael Tartakovsky & Valeriu Crudu

2020-01-28  //  BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES  //  Research Article

New opportunities in tuberculosis prevention: implications for people living with HIV

Lucia González Fernández Esther C Casas Satvinder Singh Gavin J Churchyard Grania Brigden Eduardo Gotuzzo Wim Vandevelde Suvanand Sahu Sevim Ahmedov Adeeba Kamarulzaman Alfredo Ponce‐de‐León Beatriz Grinsztejn Susan Swindells

2020-01-28  //  JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY   //  Commentary

Tuberculosis, HIV, and viral hepatitis diagnostics in eastern Europe and central Asia: high time for integrated and people-centred services

Masoud Dara, MD, Soudeh Ehsani, MD, Antons Mozalevskis, MD, Elena Vovc, MD, Daniel Simões, MPH, Ana Avellon Calvo, PhD et al.

20219-11-15  //  THE LANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES   // Personal view

Source: PLOS TB Channel

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By PLOS TB Channel

Published: Feb. 1, 2020, 11:52 p.m.

Last updated: Feb. 8, 2020, 12:07 a.m.

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