Do we want to find all 4.3 million missing people with TB? Use sub-national data!
19-25 April, 2017 - Bangkok, Thailand - A 7 days-long workshop on the use of sub-national data for strategic planning in TB for ten high TB burden countries in Asia - that together account for more than half of the people with TB who are currently missed - concluded in Bangkok.
This workshop was jointly organized by the Stop TB Partnership and Global Fund in collaboration with WHO and KIT, Netherlands (Royal Tropical Institute). The workshop focused on building the capacity of countries to use different tools to collect, visualize and analyze their own sub-national data and use that data for the development of sub-national level plans for cities, districts and provinces for reaching the people with TB who are currently missed by the system.
Globally, 4.3 million people with TB are unable to access good quality care each year. Addressing this gap is a global priority and of national importance in high TB burden countries. In order to address this, it is essential to know where the biggest numbers of “missed” people affected with TB are and what is the reason for them being missed by health systems. Using and analyzing the data at sub-national and district level as well as data about vulnerable and key population groups will provide most of these answers and is also the key to create cost-efficient and impactful programs and interventions.
All 10 country teams tested and worked with different tools and approaches, shared innovations and developed plans to take the work forward at the country level.
Source: Stop TB Partnership