Checklist for integrating gender into the processes and mechanisms of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria

The Checklist has been developed to support the integration of gender-responsive components into the implementation of HIV programmes supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (the Global Fund). The Checklist in its 2015 revised form provides specific steps and examples to ensure that the gender dimensions of not only HIV but also tuberculosis (TB) and malaria are addressed in all phases of programming. For this reason the Checklist is intended to be used in conjunction with UNDP’s ‘Discussion Paper on Gender and TB’ and ‘Discussion Paper on Gender and Malaria’, both of which contribute to the evidence base required to make the strong investment case for increased gender-sensitive interventions in all three diseases.

This Checklist follows the procedures set out in the Global Fund Funding Model, providing specific steps and examples to ensure that the gender dimensions of HIV are addressed in all phases of programming – from country dialogues, through proposal drafting to monitoring and evaluation. It also makes suggestions for gender-sensitive programming that tackles gender as a social determinant that affects all groups in the context of HIV, TB and malaria risk and vulnerability.

The audience includes UNDP Country Offices or other national partners acting as Principal Recipient, and the Checklist is also a valuable resource for Country Coordinating Mechanisms, Local Fund Agents, sub-recipients, and civil society partners.

To download the Checklist, click here.

Source: UNDP

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Published: April 7, 2016, 8:33 a.m.

Last updated: April 7, 2016, 8:41 a.m.

Tags: TB programs

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