New CSIS reports examine public health, TB efforts in Ethiopia

Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS): Sustaining Improvements to Public Health in Ethiopia

In this report, Richard Downie, deputy director and fellow in the CSIS Africa Program, discusses Ethiopia’s success at providing basic health care and its efforts to improve quality and access. The summary notes, “In order to sustain the progress, the Ethiopian government — urged on by its most important external donor partner, the United States — must reconsider its authoritarian, rigid approach to governance” (3/2).

Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS): As Ethiopia Moves toward Tuberculosis Elimination, Success Requires Higher Investment

In this report, Randall Reves, chair of Stop TB USA; Sahil Angelo, program manager and research associate for the CSIS Global Health Policy Center; and Phillip Nieburg, senior associate with the CSIS Global Health Policy Center, discuss the CSIS team’s visit to Ethiopia and how the Stop TB Partnership/WHO’s new 2016-2020 End TB Strategy informs the country’s efforts to control and treat the disease (3/2).

Source: Kaiser Daily Global Health Policy Report

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Published: March 4, 2016, 3:15 p.m.

Last updated: March 4, 2016, 4:18 p.m.

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