New publication highlights CPTR’s work on Hollow Fiber System Model for TB

The achievements and ongoing efforts of CPTR’s work on the Hollow Fiber System Model for TB (HFS-TB) are detailed in a new supplement published in the Clinical Infectious Diseases journal. The supplement includes an editorial by EMA on its qualification of this tool to reliably assess the potential efficacy of new drugs and combination regimens, an editorial by FDA supporting the use of this tool in drug development and articles co-authored by members of CPTR’s Preclinical and Clinical Sciences Workgroup. It can be read online here.

The HFS-TB provides a deep understanding of how drugs move through the body and exert their pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effect on M.tb. Recognition of this tool as a significant advancement in the development of effective treatments for M.tb led to the fastest EMA qualification to-date for any program at C-Path.

Source: Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens

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By Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens initiative (CPTR)

Published: Aug. 15, 2015, 1:32 p.m.

Last updated: Aug. 15, 2015, 1:35 p.m.

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