WHO/Europe: Request for submission of good practices in health systems strengthening for prevention and care of M/XDR-Tuberculosis (TB)

In September 2011 the Consolidated Action Plan to Prevent and Combat Multidrug- and Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in the WHO European Region, 2011–2015 and its accompanying resolution EUR/R61/R7 were endorsed at the sixty-first session of the Regional Committee (Baku, Azerbaijan, 12–15 September 2011). 

Now, in the final year of implementation and looking ahead to 2016, the global 'End TB Strategy' has been endorsed by the sixty-seventh session of the World Health Assembly (Geneva, Switzerland, 19–24 May 2014). Additionally, the new Tuberculosis Action Plan for the WHO European Region 2016-2020 is currently being developed. This new action plan is closely aligned with the Health 2020 policy framework to address inequities in tuberculosis care, particularly through health systems strengthening.

In line with the current and post-2015 action plans, in order to facilitate the scale-up of effective health systems strengthening strategies for M/XDR-TB prevention and care, and following the publication of the Compendium of Best Practices in M/XDR-TB Control and Treatment in the European Region in 2013, the WHO Regional Office for Europe is developing a second compendium. This new compendium will focus on good practices in health systems strengthening for prevention and care of M/XDR-TB. This initiative is critical for enabling countries to share and adopt successful strategies at both national and regional levels.

We invite you to submit any examples of good practice that have been carried out in your country and can provide insight into the role of health systems in improving M/XDR-TB prevention and care in respect of: 

  • stewardship/governance;
  • financing the system;
  • health services delivery;
  • health information systems;
  • human resources for health; and/or
  • health technologies and pharmaceuticals.

The published compendium will be presented at the sixty-fifth session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe in Vilnius, Lithuania on 14–17 September 2015.

The deadline for submission is 30 June 2015. The selection criteria and submission form can be downloaded below.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the focal officer for this initiative, Dr Colleen Acosta at caa@euro.who.int or tuberculosis@euro.who.int.


Selection criteria and submission form

Критерии отбора и форму подачи данных можно загрузить, пройдя по ссылке

Best practices in prevention, control and care for drug-resistant tuberculosis (2013)

EUR/RC61/15 Consolidated action plan to prevent and combat multidrug- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in the WHO European Region 2011–2015 (2011)

EUR/RC61/R7 Multidrug- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in the WHO European Region (2011)

WHO End TB Strategy

Source: WHO/Europe

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By WHO/Europe

Published: June 3, 2015, 10:43 p.m.

Last updated: June 4, 2015, 2:46 a.m.

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