New Australian-based TB forum calls for end to tuberculosis in the Asia Pacific

Australia’s leading TB experts, researchers and health advocates met with Federal Parliamentarians on the eve of World TB Day to launch the Australasian TB Forum and to call for TB elimination in the Asia Pacific region.

The Australian-based TB Forum is a new network of policy makers, health care workers, researchers, advocates and people affected by TB working to end TB in the Asia Pacific.  The Union Asia Pacific Office is a member of the TB Forum and is supporting its advocacy.  The TB Forum is a member of the Stop TB Partnership and supports their efforts to reach, treat and cure everyone with TB. 

Australian Senator Dean Smith chaired the launch and Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs - the Honourable Julie Bishop MP - was the distinguished speaker.  Minister Bishop outlined Australia’s key role in tackling TB in the region, and she announced an additional A$20 million of funding for TB research.  These funds will support TB Alliance and the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics to conduct vital research into shorter drug regimens and better diagnostic tools for TB.

Patient advocate and former multi-drug resistant TB patient, Ms Louie Zepeda from the Philippines, told her story of treatment for drug resistant TB in the Philippines and the devastating side effects of treatment, which have left her legally blind.  She called for improved regimens for drug resistant TB.

The Honourable Tanya Plibersek MP (Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development) spoke of a bold vision to end TB in the Asia Pacific, citing the historical examples of smallpox and polio. She called on Governments, researchers, the private sector and others to make this vision a reality.

The plight of TB patients in Papua New Guinea was highlighted by Dr Stenard Hiasihri, a TB physician from Western Province.  He told the story of Charlie, a TB patient who has few treatment options left due to drug resistant TB.

The launch of the TB Forum was concluded by Dr Justin Denholm (Chair of the TB Forum).  Dr Denholm emphasised the urgent need for shorter and less toxic drug regimens, improved diagnostics and a better vaccine for TB.  "We need governments to work together, to form partnerships, to fight this truly transnational disaster" Dr Denholm said.

Source: The Union

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By International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Published: March 29, 2015, 7:18 p.m.

Last updated: March 29, 2015, 7:20 p.m.

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