Case study of Xpert MTB/Rif implementation in Brazil
This case study documents the experience of a pilot study to implement Xpert®MTB/Rif to replace sputum smear microscopy to diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis in Brazil's Unified Health System in two municipalities.
The document also refers to three other correlated studies on acceptability, laboratory infrastructure and an economic assessment of the diagnostic method. These studies were the result of a collaboration between the Brazilian Ministry of Health's National Tuberculosis Program, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Ataulpho de Paiva Foundation.
The report, which covers up to September 2013, examines successes and challenges in implementing these studies and adopting a new technology in this context. The study found that, despite obstacles, adequate planning and engagement of partners led to a successful outcome. The report offers "suggestions to guide future initiatives that adopt new health technologies which may prove to be relevant to public health."
To download the report, click here.
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