South Africa: Antimicrobial Resistance National Strategy Framework 2014-2024

The 24-page document provides a structure for managing antimicrobial resistance, limiting drug-resistant infections and improving patient outcomes.

The document seeks to define interventions to preserve the effectiveness of antimicrobials, and improve appropriate use in animals and monitoring of antimicrobial resistance. It proposes various interventions to combat resistance, including improving vaccination programmes to prevent illness, more rigorous promotion of hand washing and creating antimicrobial stewardship committee in every health facility.

The strategy framework also discusses the need to improve current legislation to control the prescribing and use of antimicrobials in animals.

The document states that ultimately South Africa must move to restrict the use of antimicrobials designed for humans in agriculture.

Finally, the document concludes by laying out priority research areas within the field of antimicrobial resistance, specifically:

  • The impact of proposed changes to prescribing practices in the animal feed sector and that of food security and production;
  • Pilot e-prescribing with a view to enabling greater levels of control and audit on antimicrobial prescribing; and
  • Integration of pharmacy/clinical and laboratory data systems to inform rational antibiotic prescribing.

Download the framework: Antimicrobial Resistance National Strategy Framework 2014-2024

Source: Health-e News

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By Health-e News

Published: Oct. 2, 2015, 8:36 p.m.

Last updated: Oct. 2, 2015, 8:38 p.m.

Tags: TB programs

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