UNITAID Call for Letters of Intent

25 September 2014 - Geneva, Switzerland - UNITAID is pleased to announce the third Call for Letters of Intent (LOI) of its 2013-2016 strategic period, details for which are available here.

UNITAID begins the process of soliciting new proposals by first requesting an LOI: a short conceptual presentation of a proposed project that is submitted to UNITAID electronically using a web-based tool. Proponents with successful LOIs are then invited to submit full proposals for UNITAID funding.

This Call for LOIs is open to interventions supporting any of its six Strategic Objectives outlined in UNITAID’s 2013-2016 Strategy; however, two specific Strategic Objectives are of particular interest to UNITAID at this time:

  • Strategic Objective 4: Increase access to artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) and emerging medicines, that, in combination with appropriate diagnostic testing, will improve the treatment of malaria.

  • Strategic Objective 5: Secure supply of second-line TB medicines, and increase access to emerging medicines and regimens that will improve treatment of both drug-sensitive and multi drug-resistant TB.

UNITAID’s views on current challenges and potential areas of intervention for these two Strategic Objectives are summarized here.

LOIs submitted should clearly demonstrate complementarity and added value to projects already funded by UNITAID as well as their contribution to the achievement of UNITAID’s six Strategic Objectives.

LOIs must be submitted to UNITAID by 17:00 Geneva (Switzerland) time (GMT+1) on 9 December 2014. Proponents will be notified by early January 2015 as to whether they will be invited to submit a full project proposal for UNITAID funding. Full project proposals will be due in late March 2015.

If you have any questions related to the Call for LOIs, please contact UNITAID by email at the following address: loiunitaid@who.int.

Source: Stop TB Partnership

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Published: Sept. 25, 2014, 9:13 p.m.

Last updated: Sept. 25, 2014, 9:16 p.m.

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