Contributions invited to develop global action plan on antimicrobial resistance

WHO is leading the development of a global action plan to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR), as requested by the Sixty-seventh World Health Assembly in May 2014.

WHO aims to ensure that the action plan reflects the commitment, perspectives and roles of all relevant stakeholders, establishes shared ownership and clearly defines responsibilities. It therefore now invites organizations, institutions, networks, civil-society groups, national authorities and ministries to contribute to the development of the action plan by taking part in an online consultation.

The consultation will be open until 1 September 2014.

In addition, people who would like to receive updates on the development of the global action plan and join WHO’s AMR mailing list should apply by email to, using the subject line SUBSCRIBE TO MAILING LIST and giving their names and the names of their organizations.

The draft global action plan will be submitted to the Sixty-eighth World Health Assembly in 2015.

Consultation on a draft global action plan to address antimicrobial resistance

Draft global action plan on antimicrobial resistance

Source: WHO/Europe

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By World Health Organization

Published: July 12, 2014, 8:11 p.m.

Last updated: July 13, 2014, 12:13 a.m.

Tags: None

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