Call for submissions: First-ever TB/HIV Networking Zone at AIDS 2014

For the first time, the upcoming International AIDS Conference will feature a dedicated hub for discussing the deadly duo of TB-HIV. Despite TB's status as the leading killer of people with HIV, responses to these two diseases are often disconnected, and collaboration on HIV and TB programs is weak in many places.

The TB/HIV Networking Zone at AIDS 2014 will provide a space for HIV and TB communities – researchers, affected communities, advocates, policy makers, donors, and more – to come together and chart a way forward for addressing these deadly diseases together.

Process for submissions

Submit your proposals using Survey Monkey via this link: The deadline for submission is Friday 6 June.

All proposals will be reviewed by the organizers of the TB/HIV Networking Zone and representatives of key populations. We encourage submissions from key populations, especially people living with HIV and those who have suffered from TB. Presentations will be selected to provide a program that offers a comprehensive and diverse treatment of issues related to Tuberculosis under the themes of:

  • TB/HIV integration
  • Advocacy and social mobilization
  • Human rights
  • Issues in TB/HIV research and development
  • Access to medicines
  • TB/HIV in vulnerable populations

Please note that the TB/HIV Networking Zone cannot provide any financial support to organizations wanting to take part in the networking zone. Submitting NGOs must cover all of their own expenses related to attendance at the conference and participation.

Stay tuned for more information on zone activities! We will soon have a website at

For questions please contact:

Sarah Kirk
Global Health Campaign Manager (Tuberculosis), RESULTS International (Australia) Inc.; +1300 713 037

Mandy Slutsker
Senior Project Associate, ACTION Secretariat; 202-783-4800 ext. 106

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Published: June 1, 2014, 10:38 p.m.

Last updated: June 1, 2014, 10:38 p.m.

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