Open letter to Indian Prime Minister: Stop the TB drug stockouts

Patients, TB organisations, treatment providers, medical practitioners, health NGOs, public interest groups, and treatment activists urge the Indian Prime Minister to take immediate steps to urgently address the issues of drug stockouts in India's TB programme.

"As a country with the highest burden of tuberculosis in the world, we are deeply disturbed that India is experiencing stockouts of critically required drugs to treat children and those with drug-resistant TB. Drug stockouts at the facility level may lead to further TB drug resistance in patients who are forced to interrupt their treatment, which also means that their treatment may stop working for them. In case of children with TB, some treatment providers are resorting to breaking adult pills to give to children, which could over- or under-dose them."

You can download the letter from here.

Supporting document mentioned in the letter:


An online petition has been created for people who are still wanting to sign on the letter to the Indian Prime Minister. Those who already signed can go do so online as well.

Here is the link to the petition site:
For any questions regarding the link you can contact


You can download from here also an announcement for a civil society demonstration planned for Wednesday, June 26, 2013. More details will be sent to those who are able to take part.

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By Blessina Kumar

Published: June 22, 2013, 6:22 p.m.

Last updated: June 23, 2013, 6:31 p.m.

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