Track donor pledges online as Global Fund Replenishment approaches

25 November 2013 – Geneva – The Global Fund Fourth Voluntary Replenishment Conference, No Time to Lose: Sharing the Responsibility to Save Lives, will be hosted by the United States government in Washington D.C. from 2-3 December.

To track progress towards the Global Fund’s goal of raising US $15 billion for its 2014-2016 grants, the Global Fund Advocates Network has created a new web page providing live updates on donor pledges in the run up to the replenishment conference.

Following announcements from the United States, the UK, France, Germany, the Nordic countries, private donors and other organizations, the total amount pledged up to now around US $6.5 billion dollars.

At the close of the Global Fund’s 30th Board meeting, Mark Dybul, Executive Director of the Global Fund, said that he was highly confident that the amount of pledges made at the conference in December will significantly exceed the US$9.2 billion that was pledged at the Third Replenishment in October 2010 for the three-year period now coming to an end. He said the only question is: By how much?

In addition to the pledge tracker, the Global Fund Advocates Network and the Here I Am Campaign have produced a series of campaign materials and created an online petition to support the replenishment.

The latest video, Voices in Support of Full Replenishment features personal messages from people who have benefited from the Global Fund’s HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria programmes. The video is also available with French, German or Spanish subtitles on the Here I Am Campaign website.

“The Global Fund provides more than 80% of international financing for the fight against TB, so it is essential for us all that the Fund is fully funded,” said Dr Lucica Ditiu, Executive Secretary of the Stop TB Partnership. “I am confident that donors who may still be reflecting over their contributions will understand that we are in this together and we have great opportunities to finish off these three diseases. We are part of a generation that can make history, but we need to make it now. There is no time to lose.”

Visit the pledge tracker online

Watch the Voices in Support of Full Replenishment video

Source: Stop TB Partnership

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By Stop TB Partnership

Published: Nov. 26, 2013, 2 p.m.

Last updated: Nov. 26, 2013, 3:01 p.m.

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