WHO: Stakeholders meeting on PMDT Scale−up

Save the date: Stakeholders meeting on PMDT Scale−up: Old problems, new solutions, 27-28 October 2013, Paris, France

A "Stakeholders meeting on Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant TB (PMDT) Scale−up: Old problems, new solutions" is being organised by WHO from 27-28 October 2013 in Paris, France, preceding the 44th World Conference on Lung Health organised by The Union. The meeting will bring together global agencies, international technical and funding partners, representatives from research organizations, non-governmental agencies, country TB control programmes, patient communities and other key stakeholders working in partnership to scale-up MDR-TB care delivery.

The objectives of the meeting are:

1. To discuss methodologies for estimating the burden of MDR-TB  and present standardised indicators for measuring progress at global, regional and country level;

2. To share the challenges and best practices from countries in moving towards the targets of universal access to diagnosis and treatment of MDR-TB by 2015;

3. To identify effective interventions to address the major barriers impeding accelerated scale up of MDR-TB services; and

4. To share the new structure of the reinvigorated DR-TB Working Group and discuss future key activities.

Expected outcomes:

1. Consensus on estimates of MDR-TB burden and indicators to monitor progress;

2. Increased stakeholder commitment to support countries in accelerating the scale-up of MDR-TB care;

3. Innovative approaches to effectively address key barriers; and

4. Key priorities to operationalize and focus the activities of the new DR-TB Working Group.

The meeting is an open meeting, however due to limited space for participants, pre-registration is essential. Please register your interest and availability to participate in the meeting via email to bhatiav@who.int at your earliest convenience.

Further information regarding the organization of the meeting (logistics, venue, agenda etc.) will be announced shortly.

Source: Stop TB Partnership

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Published: Oct. 6, 2013, 9:55 p.m.

Last updated: Oct. 6, 2013, 9:57 p.m.

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