Overcoming Tuberculosis now available in Russian language version

Overcoming Tuberculosis by Paul Thorn - a book designed to help people undergoing TB treatment understand the nature of the illness and cope well with it – has been translated into Russian and adapted for the sociocultural context of Central Asia. Initially the book will be distributed in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The book is sponsored by USAID, whose staff created the translation, and the Stop TB Partnership.

The book’s author Paul Thorn was 24 when he became ill with MDR-TB. At first it was not clear that he would survive, but with the right treatment and three years of care he recovered. He has generously shared his experience and the understanding he gained by writing books intended to help others complete their treatment, be cured and go on to lead productive lives. He is vice-chair of the Stop TB Partnership MDR-TB Working Group, creator of the TB Survival Project, and author of TB TIPS, a pocket-sized guide for people with tuberculosis, available in English, French and Spanish and published by the Stop TB Partnership.

Click here to link to the Russian-language version of Overcoming Tuberculosis.

Stop TB Partnership



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By Stop TB Partnership

Published: Sept. 5, 2012, 4:52 p.m.

Last updated: Sept. 5, 2012, 5:52 p.m.

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