Tuberculosis and HIV: Protecting the vulnerable


“People fear TB more than HIV,” says a young Ugandan woman who survived the disease and now works with young people to address the ignorance and stigma around it. She is one of the panelists in this special talk show produced by the Stop TB Partnership and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies examining how an ancient and now curable as well preventable disease can continue to kill more than a million people on a yearly basis. If you missed the show, it is online, and serves as both an education on the disease and addressable shortcomings in the response to it. Panelists include Dr. Krishna Jafa of PSI talking about her own experience with the disease — first as a patient, and then as a doctor in the field seeing the effects of gaps in physician training, and Dr. Jennifer Furin of Case Western Reserve discussing how complacency led to the disease being battled today with outdated and inadequate tools.

Here is the link to the talk show online video:

Read a description of the talk show by David Bryden, Stop TB Partnership.

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By Antigone Barton

Published: Aug. 24, 2012, 9:41 p.m.

Last updated: Aug. 24, 2012, 10:42 p.m.

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