
The National Tuberculosis Health Sector Strategic Plan for Ghana

Author: Ghana Health Service
Recommended citation: Ghana Health Service. The National Tuberculosis Health Sector Strategic Plan for Ghana. 2009.
Published: 2009


This National TB Control Programme (NTP) builds on the previous 2002–2006 strategic plan. The overall aim is to achieve "the World Health Assembly (WHA), STOP TB Partnership and the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets" by focusing on universal access to critical TB control interventions while addressing emerging issues which previously have been given little attention. It outlines required technical assistance in identified key areas: DOTS expansion, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), human resources development,laboratory services, and drug management. In addition, advocacy, communication, and social mobilization will play a key role in this plan in all areas
Catalogue: Ghana