Call for experts: WHO Civil Society Task Force on TB (2024-2025 mandate)

The World Health Organization launches a call for experts to serve as members of the Civil Society Task Force on TB. Deadline to apply: 23 November 2023.

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Call for nominations: Stop TB Partnership Community Award 2023

The Stop TB Partnership launches a call for nominations for the Community Award 2023 under the theme - Serving the most vulnerable: Increasing access to TB services for key and vulnerable populations. Deadline for nominations: 1 December 2023.

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Global TB report 2023: TB response recovering from pandemic but accelerated efforts needed to meet new targets

Despite significant recovery in 2022, progress is insufficient to meet global TB targets set in 2018 with disruptions caused by the pandemic and ongoing conflicts being major contributing factors.

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Activism delivers unprecedented victories in TB testing and treatment access

Historic price reductions will allow millions more people to receive TB prevention, treatment and testing.

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Target Regimen Profiles for TB treatment and Target Product Profiles for TB tests

The World Health Organization releases updated Target Regimen Profiles for TB treatment and new Target Product Profiles for tests for TB treatment monitoring and optimization.

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Policy brief on TB-associated disability

The World Health Organization releases the first policy brief on TB-associated disability, presenting the current perspectives on the issue and approaches to mitigating the impact of these disabilities on health-related quality of life.

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Eradicating TB: time to make this age-old dream a reality

A call to action ahead of the Union Conference urges France to confirm the commitments made in the UN Political Declaration on TB and to translate it into concrete measures.

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TAG's 2023 Pipeline Report: TB vaccines

Treatment Action Group launches the first TB chapter of its 2023 Pipeline Report.

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Are we there yet? TB preventive treatment beyond TB/HIV integration

An article in 2023 issue of TAGline takes stock of the state of TB preventive treatment (TPT) around the world, exploring nuances that help explain why newly validated TPT regimens are still not universally used by household contacts of people living with active TB disease.

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UN General Assembly formally adopts Resolution on Political Declaration on TB

The United Nations General Assembly has formally adopted by consensus the Political Declaration of the High-Level Meeting on the Fight against Tuberculosis.

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