Evidence and research gaps identified during development of policy guidelines for TB, 2nd edition

WHO publishes a document summarizing evidence gaps articulated in various WHO TB policy guidance to help steer innovation towards sustainable public health interventions required to end TB.

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WHO European Region: Data collection guide - indicators for meaningful involvement of civil society in TB response

TB Europe Coalition releases a guide explaining the whole data collection process for four new indicators of the WHO Regional Office for Europe regarding the meaningful involvement of civil society in TB response.

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Call to Action: Shorter and more effective treatment for all people suffering from drug-resistant TB

Sign up for a Call to Action for accelerating the implementation of shorter and more effective treatment for all people with drug-resistant TB.

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Statement from TAG, Global TB CAB on H56:IC31 Phase IIb trial results

The Global TB CAB and TAG commend the investigators for sharing results early and openly with a diverse group of key stakeholders, and urge the scientific community and funders to continue efforts to find different options to prevent TB.

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Development of the candidate TB vaccine H56:IC31 ended based on early data from the Prevention of Recurrence TB Consortium

Vaccine well tolerated and demonstrated immunogenicity but did not provide protection against TB recurrence; Participants being informed; Further analysis continues.

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Addressing the needs of people with extensively drug-resistant TB through pre-approval access to drugs and research

A viewpoint, published in Public Health Action, advocates for transparent, accessible pre-approval access as a core element of person-centered care for drug-resistant TB.

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Stop TB Partnership announces the Legal Environment and Human Rights Scorecard

The Scorecard aims to enhance visibility and multisectoral accountability regarding legal, policy and human rights barriers experienced by people affected by TB.

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Country share of global 2023 UNHLM targets

The Stop TB Partnership releases the estimated country shares of global targets committed in the Political declaration of the UN High-Level Meeting on TB, held in September 2023.

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Report: TB Research Funding Trends 2005-2022

TB research and development funding perilously off track of UN commitments to end TB by 2030.

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TAG's 2023 Pipeline Report: TB Diagnostics

Treatment Action Group launches the 2023 Tuberculosis Diagnostics Pipeline Report.

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