TB CAB: Open letter

Open letter regarding Cepheid pricing of the GeneXpert machines and cartridges for high-burden settings in the public and private sectors.

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MSF: Open letter

Open letter to the Medicines Control Council of South Africa regarding compassionate use of bedaquiline for drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa.

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TB CAB: Open letter

Open letter to the Medicines Control Council and Ministry of Health on urgent need for compassionate use of bedaquiline for XDR-TB and pre-XDR-TB in South Africa.

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Report: Hearing the unheard voices - saving children from TB

This is a report of an online consultation and key informant interviews on childhood tuberculosis conducted by Citizen News Service (CNS) along with more than 50 partner organizations and networks in lead up to the World TB Day 2012.

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Towards TB elimination: ECDC and ERS introduce new guidelines on tuberculosis care in Europe

ECDC and the European Respiratory Society (ERS) have developed 21 patient-centred standards that aim to guide clinicians and public health workers in their daily work to ensure optimal diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis (TB) in Europe.

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Limited provision of TB services in prison in countries receiving Global Fund grants

Only 50% of countries in receipt of grants from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria provide tuberculosis (TB) services in prisons, according to research published in a special supplement of the Journal of Infectious Diseases.

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An unfortunate judgment

Supreme Court of Appeal overturns Cape High Court's TB in prisons ruling.

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Losing Ground: How funding shortfalls and the cancellation of the Global Fund’s Round 11 are jeopardising the fight against HIV & TB

"Losing Ground" describes the impact of funding shortfalls in critical areas of HIV and TB in 13 countries where MSF work.

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Children with drug-resistant TB make up the most neglected patient population

Treatment Action Group analysis finds global TB R&D rose by just 2% from 2009: Less than one-third of the global need.

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WHO: More evidence and better diagnostics needed before redefining severe forms of drug-resistant TB

There is currently insufficient evidence to adopt new case definitions for drug-resistant TB.

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