Key Asks from TB Stakeholders for the UN High-Level Meeting on TB

The Key Asks outline the top priorities the TB community is requesting member states to include in the Political Declaration which is expected to be endorsed by Heads of State during the UN High-Level Meeting on TB in September.

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MSF demands J&J give up its patent monopoly on TB drug to put lives over profits

Access to TB drug bedaquiline, a backbone medicine for drug-resistant TB treatment regimens, remains out of reach for too many.

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WHO releases first-ever Standard on universal access to rapid TB diagnostics

The Standard sets benchmarks to achieve universal access to WHO-recommended rapid diagnostics, increase bacteriologically confirmed TB and drug resistance detection, and reduce the time to diagnosis.

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Nitrosamines and TB medicines information note

TAG and IMPAACT4TB project partners release several materials to explain how the identification of nitrosamines in rifampicin and rifapentine may affect the safety and supply of TB medicines, and what this may mean for TB programs and patients.

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Call to action: Priorities to close the deadly divide

The accountability report of TB-affected communities and civil society: Priorities to close the deadly divide

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The 1/4/6×24 Campaign Coalition welcomes India’s rejection of Johnson & Johnson’s patent evergreening tactic

The Indian Patent Office takes a laudable step that will pave the way for generic manufacturing of a key TB drug.

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Act now: A call to world leaders to increase investment in TB vaccine R&D

Global TB community calls on world leaders to increase political and financial commitments to develop and roll out new TB vaccines as a central part of the global TB response.

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Unfinished business: The challenge of ending TB in the European Region

On World TB Day 2023, ECDC and WHO/Europe issue a sobering warning that, despite having the tools to end TB, the European Region remains a long way from meeting its End TB Strategy targets.

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WHO steps up the Director-General’s Flagship Initiative to combat TB

WHO announces the expanded scope of the WHO Director-General’s Flagship Initiative on TB over the period 2023-2027 to support fast-tracking progress towards ending TB and achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2030.

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Advocacy campaign and petition call for universal access to six-month drug-resistant TB cures

The Fast Track the Cure campaign demands universal access to six-month drug-resistant TB cure by 2024.

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