TB CAB launches its new website

TB Online news service will be taken over by the new site, www.globaltbcab.org. TB Online will not be updated anymore.

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WHO Rapid Communication: Key updates to the treatment of drug-resistant TB

The World Health Organization issues Rapid Communication on key updates to the treatment of drug-resistant TB.

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Target Product Profiles for TB diagnosis and detection of drug resistance

WHO releases updated Target Product Profiles for TB diagnosis and detection of drug resistance.

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TB preventive treatment: How to protect ourselves from TB

The Global Coalition of TB Advocates releases an updated version of its community friendly brochure with the latest advancements and insights in TB prevention.

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MSF and partners protest medical test maker Cepheid and Danaher at International AIDS Conference

Time for $5 Campaign demands Cepheid reduce price of HIV, TB and hepatitis C tests to $5 each.

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The Union Conference: Civil society sponsored registration

100 sponsored registrations will be offered to civil society members, individuals involved in efforts to address lung health, and survivors of TB. Deadline for applications: 18 July 2024

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TAG calls on Danaher to drop the prices of GeneXpert tests and make the cost audit public

TAG calls on Danaher to lower the price of GeneXpert tests for TB and other diseases to $5 each and to commit to public transparency of the cost audit of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra.
SIGN the Time for $5 Campaign petition!

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Policy brief: New TB vaccines needed to tackle AMR

Developing new TB vaccines by 2030 is within reach if decision-makers prioritize TB vaccine R&D as a signature piece of global health and AMR agendas.

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Shorter TB treatment regimen shown to be safe and effective in operational research led by WHO

National TB programs in 13 countries worked with WHO/Europe from 2020 to 2023 to examine treatment outcomes for people on 9-month treatment regimens for MDR-TB.

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Danaher continues to charge exorbitant prices for lifesaving medical tests despite urgent demands for price reductions by several Ministries of Health

Officials from several Ministries of Health have written to Danaher requesting that the price of the tests for XDR-TB, HIV and hepatitis — currently priced at $14.90 per test cartridge — also be lowered to no more than $7.97. 

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