Civil society urges the Health & Food Safety EU Commissioner to plan coordinated response to tackle tuberculosis in Europe

civil society
March 7, 2015, 1:24 p.m.
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More than 45 civil society organisations co-submitted a letter to the new EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety to use his role to champion the need for an improved response to the multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) epidemic in the European region.

The initiaitve for this letter was spear headed by the TB Europe Coalition.

The letter brought to attention key conditions in the region that demonstrate the region’s failing in its duty to diagnose and treat TB. These key conditions include:

Ultimately, the letter urges the Commissioner to share his plans to ensure that from the 1st Eastern Partnership Ministerial Conference on Tuberculosis (TB) and Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis in Riga, Latvia (March 30-31, 2015) comes a coordinated response between the EC, Member States and neighbouring countries on how best to tackle the MDR-TB epidemic.

To view the letter, click here. 

Source: TB Europe Coalition