Call for proposals: Early clinical development of new, promising TB vaccine candidates

TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI)
June 28, 2012, 10:40 a.m.

TBVI has opened the following Call for proposals:
Deadline:  17:00 CEST, 11 September 2012

Tuberculosis (TB) remains an urgent global health problem with 8.8 million new cases and 1.35 million deaths in 2010. An estimated one third of the world population is latently infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and at risk of developing TB. The dual pandemic of TB and HIV/AIDS and the increasing emergence of (multi) drug-resistant strains severely aggravate the problem and hamper current control strategies. The present decline in incidence is insufficient to reach the global target of elimination of TB in 2050 and new, more effective tools, including new vaccines, are urgently required.

TBVI is a non-profit foundation that contributes to the development of new TB vaccines accessible and affordable to all people. TBVI aims to achieve this by supporting research partners in universities, research institutes and private companies that aim to develop new TB vaccines from discovery to phase II clinical stage of development. 

The current call for proposals focuses on support for cGMP manufacturing, toxicity and safety evaluation of new promising vaccine candidates, and/or support for carrying out (first in human) phase I clinical trials. Proposals must demonstrate complementarity and novelty of the vaccine candidate as compared to the current global vaccine pipeline. Vaccine candidates targeting HIV-uninfected adolescents and young adults, and/or candidates with promise as transmission blocking vaccine will have priority.

Available budget for this call: US$ 780,000. TBVI will contribute up to a maximum of 75% of the total funding (25% co-funding of total cost must be identified in the application)

Deadline for proposals: 17:00 CEST, 11 September 2012

Full text of the Call for proposals
Application form
TBVI Guidelines for applicants