The Lancet Infectious Diseases

Tuberculosis transmission in HIV-endemic settings

The Lancet Infectious Diseases published a three-part Series reviewing tuberculosis transmission in HIV-endemic settings in the context of the advances in understanding, the impact of drug resistance, and how new techniques could be applied to reduce transmission.

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The global burden of tuberculosis: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015

An understanding of the trends in TB incidence, prevalence, and mortality is crucial to tracking of the success of TB control programmes and identification of remaining challenges. A study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases assessed trends in the fatal and non-fatal burden of TB over the past 25 years for 195 countries and territories.

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Antibiotic research priorities: ready, set, now go

When faced with a medical emergency and limited resources, triage is essential. Deciding where needs are greatest helps to focus attention and provoke action, in line with a utilitarian aim of maximising gains and minimising harms for the greatest number of people. The importance of setting priorities applies equally to a global emergency as to a local one. With the threat of antimicrobial resistance now recognised at the highest political levels, WHO has compiled a list of pathogens on which research and development of new antimicrobials should be focused.

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